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About us

Mentoring Adults and Youth in America Foundation, Inc. (M.A.Y.A. Foundation, Inc.) is a 501c3 non-profit organization providing mentoring programs to young adults and youth in the Greater Richmond, Virginia/ Petersburg, Virginia area and surrounding counties. The program will form partnerships with local school districts and other adult programs that will promote pro-social friendships, and strong interpersonal skills, and reassert a sense of hope in the future. Only through personal relationships can a sense of individual responsibility be reestablished that will give youth the commitment to follow through on path to adulthood with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Our goal is to identify youth who are going to have a turbulent transition to adulthood and offer a positive support system to avoid the pitfalls that can derail their lives.   





The mission of the M.A.Y.A. Foundation is the pursuit of the following principles:


COMMITMENT: M.A.Y.A. wants to inspire pro-social friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and instill a sense of hope in the future.


RESPONSIBILITY: The focus of M.A.Y.A. is to empower youth in establishing goals and following through on commitments.


POSSIBILITY: M.A.Y.A. wants to expand the perspective of young people to make them aware of life's possibilities.


SUPPORT: An individual is dramatically influenced by their support system; M.A.Y.A. wants to surround young people in a caring, inclusive learning environment.

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